• Taglierini ai Funghi Porcini

    Fresh noodles with wild mushrooms sauce

  • Linguine agli Scampi

    Flat Spaghetti in Scampi Sauce

  • Taglierini San Jacopo

    Fresh noodles in sauce of zucchinis, tomatoes and prawn and fresh cream.

  • Tortelli del Giorno

    Large Ravioli in the chef’s sauce of the day

  • Gnocchetti dello Chef

    Small potato Dumplings in Cheese Sauce

  • Pennette alla Frantoiana

    Pennette in Black Olive Sauce

  • Maccheroni al Ragù di Anatra

    Home Made Pasta with Duck Meat Sauce

  • Straccetti ai Profumi di Mare

    Home Made Pasta with Sea Food sauce.