• Misto di Mare Caldo

    Mixed Sea Food

  • Plateau di Affettati

    Platter of Assorted Sliced Cured Meats

  • Stuzzichini del frantoio

  • Lardo di Cinta Senese

    Tuscan Ham, Salami, Savoury Croutons, Olives, Cured Beef

  • Petto d’Oca affumicato

    Smoked Goose breast

  • Fois Gras

    Fois Gras

  • Insalatina di Porcini

    Wild Mushroom salad in season

  • Patè Maison

    Home Made Patè

  • Carpaccio di Spada affumicato

    Slices of Smoked Swordfish with Rocket Salad

  • Bresaola di Cinghiale

    Sliced of Cured Wild Boar with Rocket Salad and Parmesan Flakes

  • Plateau di Cinta Senese

    Platter of Cinta Senesi Ham and Cured Meats