
Hors d’oevre

  • Plateau di Affettati

    Platter of Assorted Sliced Cured Meats

  • Misto di Mare Caldo

    Mixed Sea Food

  • Insalatina di Porcini

    Wild Mushroom salad in season

  • Stuzzichini del frantoio

  • Fois Gras

    Fois Gras

  • Lardo di Cinta Senese

    Tuscan Ham, Salami, Savoury Croutons, Olives, Cured Beef

  • Petto d’Oca affumicato

    Smoked Goose breast

  • Patè Maison

    Home Made Patè

  • Carpaccio di Spada affumicato

    Slices of Smoked Swordfish with Rocket Salad

  • Bresaola di Cinghiale

    Sliced of Cured Wild Boar with Rocket Salad and Parmesan Flakes

  • Plateau di Cinta Senese

    Platter of Cinta Senesi Ham and Cured Meats



  • Insalatina di Stagione

    Salad in Season

  • Verdure Grigliate

    Grilled Vegetables

  • Fagioli all’Olio

    Tuscan Beams with Olive Oil

  • Patate Dorate

    Sautè Potatoes


Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

  • Original Cheese Cake

  • Strudel di Mela

    Home Made Strudel.

  • Sfogliatina Calda

    Hot Puff Pastry with Custard

  • Bignoline Calde

    Hot Profitterols

  • Chocolate delight

  • Cantucci e Vinsanto

    Prato Almond Biscuits and Vinsanto

  • Coppa Gelato

    Ice Cream Selection

  • Dolce del Giorno

    Today’s Special



  • Pecorino Senese

  • Roquefort

  • Pecorino di Fossa

  • Plateau Selez. Formaggi

    Assorted Cheese Platter


First Courses

  • Taglierini ai Funghi Porcini

    Fresh noodles with wild mushrooms sauce

  • Straccetti ai Profumi di Mare

    Home Made Pasta with Sea Food sauce.

  • Pennette alla Frantoiana

    Pennette in Black Olive Sauce

  • Maccheroni al Ragù di Anatra

    Home Made Pasta with Duck Meat Sauce

  • Tortelli del Giorno

    Large Ravioli in the chef’s sauce of the day

  • Gnocchetti dello Chef

    Small potato Dumplings in Cheese Sauce

  • Taglierini San Jacopo

    Fresh noodles in sauce of zucchinis, tomatoes and prawn and fresh cream.

  • Linguine agli Scampi

    Flat Spaghetti in Scampi Sauce


Second Courses

  • Tagliata ai Funghi Porcini

    Sliced T-bone Steack with grilled wild muschrooms

  • Stoccafisso al Sugo

    Dried Cod in Tomato Souce

  • Tagliata di Cinta Senese

    Sliced Cinta Pork steack.

  • Tagliata al Rosmarino

    Sliced Grilled Sirloin Steak with Rosemary, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar

  • Tomino con Verdure alla Griglia

    Grilled Baby Cheese and Grilled Vegetables

  • Spigola all’Isolana

    Baked Seabass with Tomatoes, potatoes, onions and white wine

  • Spigola alla Griglia

    Grilled  Seabass

  • Fiorentina

    Tbone Steak

  • Filetto al Barolo

    Filet Steak cooked in Barolo Wine

  • Cacciagione in Umido

    Game in Tomato and Red wine Sauce